C3 Corporation


Rebuild, restore and Reform

Improving Youngstown home market value through quality home repair , Investment,  resale  and rental property management

Corey J. Floyd
C3 enterprise and Investments LLC

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Who We Are

About Us

C-3 Enterprise is a newly formed LLC with a concentration on reformation and restoration of inner city Youngstown homes. The owner is myself Mr. Corey J Floyd.

I was born and raised in the city of Youngstown, I have always had a strong passion for and pleasure in seeing people like myself excel and meet their goals. Home ownership has been the hurdle that I have noticed my counterparts have the most difficulty achieving.  I drive through the city daily and see homes that have great potential that are deteriorating by the minute. I feel my company will bridge the gap and not only make Youngstown appealing to the masses but create generational wealth for a poverty stricken group of individuals.

Our Mission

  • To rebuild, restore and reform the city of Youngstown through quality home repair, and restoration of vacant but well built homes in the area.
  • The promotion of home ownership and well defined steps to achieve goals
  • Building morale and dignity in a poverty-stricken population through quality housing i.e credit repair, quality rentals)


Home renovation

House Flipping

Rental Properties

Property management

Credit repair and analysis


Invest in homes located in inner city Youngtown, make them aesthetically appealing
Locate well qualified tenants with an interest in long term home ownership
Offer credit management and repair services to assist with homeownership goals
Quality home improvement services
Property management service
Commercial real estate investment

Let’s work together to find a place you deserve

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